Get involved and become a coach!
As clubs develop and players are getting faster and stronger, quality coaching is a must for all ages and abilities. Oxfordshire Netball encourages members to study for United Kingdom Coaching Certificates (UKCC) qualifications. The UKCC is a 4-level coaching structure with regular courses run by England Netball. Read about UKCC courses here. Upon completion, you will receive the relevant certificate for your qualification, which opens up coaching opportunities for club, regional and even paid coaching positions throughout the region.
The ONDB has set aside a bursary to support Oxfordshire members with funding for UKCC courses. Please find an application form in Downloads on the right of screen.
Oxfordshire Netball also provides regular coaching workshops. Details of these will be sent out to all clubs, all coaches on our database and also advertised here on the website. Coaches are also welcome to come along to the Satellite and County training sessions as an observer. To find out more, please contact our Talent Coordinator.
If you are interested in becoming a coach, please contact our Coaching Secretary>
More information on coaching courses, a full list of up and coming dates, and booking forms can be found on the England Netball website >